Saturday, February 28, 2009


So I woke up with the best of intentions. I planed on going to a "foundations of fitness" class at gold's and thankfully my landlord woke me up after i had hit the snooze button for the second time . FoF is basically an introduction to some of the classes that Golds offers so you can feel comfortable enough to actually go to. That is so awesome that they offer that because i would have never would have had the balls to walk into an Rpm class or a body pump class either. I'm really excited to start integrating these classes into my routine ! cant wait to step it up!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Im a lazy , lazy girl

I did not wake up and go to the gym like i promised myself i would. I might have to cancel plans I made tonight to go to the gym. but I might just double my workout sat to make up for the lack of motivation

Night time is not right time

I have admitted it before and I will admit it again. My name is reese and I'm a late night binger. Last night was bad but not completely shame inducing. Oreo cakesters are the devil . I really wanted some of that soft and sugary goodness. So i had one of them at least (cakesters come 2 in a pack) so that was about 125 cals and 25 fat cals. THEN I had a Greek blueberry yogurt, slightly frozen which is 120 cals and no fat cals. and the food train did not end there oh no ma'am . I had a Halloween size pack of runts and nerds . which is basically just colored sugar .I really don't even want to know how many cals were wasted on those tiny things . THEN I swallowed two pieces of white bread toast with BUTTER ugh and strawberry preserves.. I need to buy apples or something that can satisfy my late night sweet tooth without totally undoing my days progress.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

yummy snack ideas

I have just discovered carrot sticks and medium salsa .. It is so freaking good !!!!! I love spicey foods and it definatly keeps caarrots interesting

Midday update

So today started like any other day. Me never wanting to get out of bed . Lucky for me I have cora my yowling wake up call. My cat is constantly in heat (ew, I know) but it seams like she howls or caterwauls or whatever they call it , every 30 minutes like clockwork. By 10:45 I had had enough . I dragged myself out of bed and had a breakfast of Kashi go-lean cereal and 2% milk. I'm am definitely starting to drink 1% again , 2% has waaaay to much cals for my taste. I think drinking calories even "healthy" ones are a waste. I mean c'mon would you rather add 150 cals of juice to your breakfast or a yummy fiber one english muffin which by the way is only 100 cals so you can add a couple slices of turkey for 25 cals each and be satisfied for a lot longer. After watching The Veiw and some half hearted room cleaning I finally drove myself to the gym at around one o'clock. Im really proud of myself I think I worked my legs and my core really well. My trainer Janice said that you would know you worked your legs really well If after your workout when you climb a flight of stairs your legs feel wobbely. And i definitely felt like a weeble wobler after that. So 2 hours or so later I headed home . I showered and heated up a healthy choice microwave meal that was 260 cals . I know there is healthier choices out there (excuse the pun) but it is just so easy to pop a meal in the microwave and by the time I take a quick shower its ready to go . The only other things i have to worry about is dinner and finishing my gallon of water.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

health goals

I thought I should list my other goals just to put things in perspective ..12 weeks is not enough time to make a complete body and health transformation.


1) I would like to be able to run 4 miles nonstop by the end of summer '09

2)down to 170 by summer 210 . that is my new "goal weight" It might seem like a high number but hey I'm 6'1 !!

3)try out yoga. I would love to be more flexible and stretch out my always tight lower back

last but not least ...

4) QUIT SMOKING . yeah I know , It should have been done a loooonng time ago but I Hope with my new resolve to live a healthier life i can finally kick the habit

Wrrv Fit Club update

So with approximately 7 more weeks to go there are a few questions I have to ask myself about my progress.

1) Am I seeing any changes in my strength/ stamina?
Hell yes. my core which was pathetically week is becoming stronger with every ab exercise i do . and my weight training strength is steadily improving . The only thing I'm not happy with yet is my endurance . I would like to be able to run and have the energy to finish a workout without a creatine boost.

2) am I seeing any physical changes yet? Yes I have , everything is sucking in ,lol. my clothes are slowly getting looser . The only thing that sucks is that before my birthday i was 10 pounds thinner so I'm playing catch up with that . trying to get down the ten pounds that I gained and then trying to loose even more weight so I look better then I did then .

3) Is there anything in your diet that needs changing? First off I'm not on a "diet" exactly . I like to call it more of a life change . I have decided no to drink my calories , not to eat fried food or pretty much all "empty " calories. I'm not a fad dieter , if i just eat melon or something for the next year as soon as I put something bad in my mouth I'm going to gain it all back. the only thing that needs an immediate change is my mindset. Its mind over matter . I keep messing up with that. Like for example Dinner is rough. I make my healthy chicken and brown rice . eat it and feel completely satisfied . BUT THEN I see what my brothers are eating and I start to pick at that food too . all in all nighttime is the worst time for healthy eating . I' love to stay up to the wee hours of the morning and so my body craves instant energy, and in my sleepy weakened state I binge . Another thing I want to try is small meals every couple of hours . I know it really boasts your metabolism .

4) anything I am doing wrong workout wise? I have to get my ass in the gym more 3X a week is not enough . hell 4x a week is not enough . I need to sleep more so I have energy to go to the gym . I WANT TO WIN THIS SO BAD. ugh but I understand the only way I can is to turn this around right now and put my all into it . so what if I cant hang out as much . I'm putting myself through this not just for some stupid contest but so that I have the foundation of healthy habits for the rest of my life

So it begins...

It has always been a constant battle . the fight for the unattainable . It has been the fight for health. The fight for beauty. And The fight for confidance. It all comes down to weight. I have been up (286 pounds), down (190 after a fit of self induced bulimea my freshman year). and around (233 pounds my weight starting the wrrv fit club) .Now I have had some big acomplishements this past 16 months . I have come down from my all time highest weight of almost 300 pounds to around 220 ans back up to 240 . It has been a struggle and I have hit many walls and have had many setbacks . But I have had a reawakening. no more will I be unhappy with the girl I see in the mirror . no more will I partake in unhealthy crash diets and dangerous overexcercising for a quick fix. I am ready to make a change and I have been improving . The thing that has jumpstarted my healthy weightloss is when i was chosen to be one of the lucky 96. Wrrv has a fitclub every year where they pick 96 listeners for their anual "Fit Club Challange". We get 3 free months of golds gym and prizes if we are the ultimate winner at the end of 12 weeks. Just winning the golds membership has been a huge kick in the ass for me . I mean I have been paying $42 a month for a gym that I have not seen the inside of for 5 months. Its crazy I guess I thought that if I keep up with my membership I would have not completly given up on myself . Anyway Im going to cut this blog short because I am pretty much just rambling ..